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Is a Spring A/C Tune-Up Really Worth it in Raleigh, NC?

Winter is over and you can finally stop using your furnace. It won’t be long until the sunny days warm your home, and you’ll need to use your air conditioner. Before you turn on your air conditioner, should you have a spring tune-up for your A/C first?

Spring is a good time to schedule your annual A/C tune-up. After all, you’ll want to make sure your air conditioner is in good working condition before the high temperatures of a Raleigh summer. But what if you haven’t scheduled your tune-up yet, and you need to turn on the air conditioner?  Most likely, you’ll be ok…..then why is a tune-up worth the extra money?

The short answer is that tune-ups are the best way to ensure that your air conditioner is working at its optimal performance level,  and in turn, it will help prevent inconvenient repairs. Read below for a list of reasons why spring tune-ups are worth the investment.

Keep Your System Clean in the Triangle

One of the best ways to keep your system working efficiently, maximize its lifespan, and lower your energy bills is by keeping your air conditioner clean. Not only is it important to change your air filters, but also its vital to make sure the area around the unit itself is clean from dirt and debris. These are easy DIY things you can do yourself, but it is also crucial to keep the inside of the A/C unit clean too. This is best left to a highly trained HVAC technician from Delta Heating & Cooling. They will make sure your outdoor condenser coil is thoroughly cleaned along with a complete inspection on the unit’s working parts.

Optimal Efficiency

Your air conditioner is working at its optimal efficiency when it cools your home without working harder than it has to work. When an air conditioner is clean, your ductwork is insulated, vents and filters are clean, refrigerant levels are good, and the parts of the air conditioner are in good shape then your unit will perform efficiently. Optimal efficiency is important because it impacts the lifespan of your A/C unit as well as your energy bills. Make sure your unit is running at its optimal efficiency and schedule your spring tune-up with Delta Heating & Cooling now.

Prevent Repairs in Raleigh

Keeping to a regular preventative maintenance schedule will reduce the frequency of repairs to your air conditioning system.  Your certified technician from Delta is trained to spot problems with your unit before it gives you trouble. Preventative measures are less expensive and less aggravating than inconvenient and costly repair work.  Find out more about our Simplified Comfort Plans by visiting our website.

Lower Your Energy Bills in Wake County

When air conditioners are dirty and have clogged and dirty filters and vents, your unit will not run as efficiently as it should. When air conditioners work harder to cool your house, it raises your energy bills. Keeping your system in good working order saves you money in the long run.

Maximize the Lifespan in Raleigh, NC

As mentioned above, spring tune-ups ensure that your air conditioner is operating at its optimal performance. An air conditioner that runs efficiently will also last longer. So, keeping to a regular maintenance schedule with our Simplified Comfort Plan will also maximize the lifespan of your system.

Don’t Void Your Warranty from the Manufacturer

When you purchased your air conditioner, it came with a manufacturer’s warranty. You may have even purchased an extended warranty. Did you know that failing to maintain a regular maintenance agreement may void your warranties? It is important that you do your part by keeping your unit in good shape and having annual tune-ups by a qualified technician from Delta Heating & Cooling.  This will ensure your warranty will be valid and remain in good standing with the manufacturer.

Remember to keep to your maintenance schedule and make an appointment for your spring tune-up. It’s much easier to get an appointment in the spring than in the busy summer days ahead.  

If you have more questions, please contact us! We will be ready to get your A/C ready for summer!